Sidelines and Sessions


Joining the Undeniables

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — spsukaton @ 5:06 am

Dear y’all,

I’m joining The Undeniables, an online writing workshop, doing a session  in correspondence. I’ll be writing one letter a day, every day, for the next two months on this blog.

I can see your lips moving as your read this. Letters? Why? You do columns, you do press releases, you do articles and essays. Why letters? Why not something cool, like poems? Why not a novel? Or short stories?

Well, you know me. I jump around a lot. So I figured a letter’d be more apt – there’s only so much insanity you can allow into a letter, because of the necessary brevity of the thing. And what with e-mail and text messages, people are bemoaning the “death of the letter” so loudly and so often that I just want to show folks that tech is not the death of literacy. So here’s a dry run – a letter about my letters. I hope all’s well with you this summer, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Be good.



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